Picture of the Huston-Wheeler wedding party

In a ceremony that took some people by surprise, Elvin Huston and Eunice Wheeler were married at Lozier Lane Baptist Church in Medford, Oregon on Saturday, April 21, 2007. Surrounded by our families and long time friends, we enjoyed a wonderful, fun wedding weekend. Bride & Groom LaughingDoc Crowder performed the ceremony with a delightful blending of humor and spiritual significance. Everyone, including the bride and groom, had fun. Ray Sparre wrote a special song for us, which he sang at the reception put on by the ladies of the church. Following the reception, we enjoyed a private celebration with our families and the 60's Alumni friends who attended. Elvin's Grandaughter Desiree being baptizedMany of those friends stayed and participated in the Sunday morning service at my Baptist church. We had our own "60's Alum Worship Team", plus several special songs. Anita Wheeler, Arlene Brewer, & Sherry Parks (Anita's sister) sang a trio; Ray & Elvin sang a couple of songs together, with Anita & Lucy Hafelfinger Hartman singing back up on the "4th Man in the Fire" song; and the Sparre family sang in the language of the islands. A special highlight of the service that morning was to see Elvin's oldest granddaughter, Desiree Campoy (16),  baptized in water. Doc Crowder crowned the service with a powerful message from God's word. Not only the wedding, but the entire weekend was characterized by a wonderful sense of connection and blessing. Eunice & I can't begin to express our gratitude for the outpouring of expressions of love and support from you, our 60's Alumni friends. Thank you!  

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